Monday, 29 November 2010

On the potential uses of Facebook

The world is filled with data, and with the massive explosion of the internet and social networking sites it has been easier than ever to gather this data from and in the same place. The hard part is analysing them in a way that will yield original, interesting and truthful results.

Facebook has people's data. They put it there themselves. David McCandless, data journalist, realised this and performed a study on Facebook to locate a possible seasonality in break-ups. His theory is interesting, but also flawed (as pointed out in Digital Society). What is an important take-away from this (apart from the fact that people liked talking about Rihanna and Chris Brown - a lot) is the unbelievable potential that lies within Facebook for data mining and exploitation, and the ways in which it can help us understand the world more than anything else.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

and we live half at night

OMD - VCR (rough mix) by 100% Records

Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark - VCR (XX cover)


One of the rare occasions where I am actually looking forward to an opening act.

(and apparently this guy dated Natalie Portman? And she starred in one of his videos??)