Thursday, 31 January 2013

I told a friend I was bored, and she said I should write a blog post

The truth is, a lot of side projects, big and small, have prevented me from finding the time to sit down and write stuff that other people would like to read (or maybe not).

In the months leading up to the new year, I have been mostly preoccupied with:

a) Working (because I am a human being who is slowly finding her place in the world)
b) DJing
c) Planning events for said DJing
d) Relaxing
e) Reflecting

I have also been really bad at keeping my online presence updated. I renewed my flickr subscription, but I never posted any photos. My photo a day self-assigned project on tumblr turned to a photo a month, or old batches of photos being uploaded sporadically in an attempt to keep it alive. In the meantime, I went on instagram (shame on me) and started tweeting - all acts of time-saving and simultaneously holding on to the concept of being online, being social and being discoverable (and a little bit narcissistic).

It's a free world. We all do what we can, as Cat Power poignantly sings in her husky voice. 2013 will be a year of doing what I can. It's good to try and find out how far you can reach, but it's also important to do what you do because you want to do it. No stepping over dead bodies should be involved, obviously. But writing is not lethal (though the tongue may be an unruly evil, full of deadly poison etc), and trying to keep a blog won't kill me. So I'll try. No pressure.

Point is, it's ok to let go sometimes, enjoy the ride and just do things you enjoy (within the responsible human being boundaries mentioned above), because this is a forward-moving train and there's no going back.

Exhibit A: Me, pigging out on new year's morning, at 8am, after 6 hours of djing.

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